Lov Day
LOV DAY Overview
In celebration of Black History Month, Ladies of Virtue will host our annual LOV DAY on
Saturday, February 8, 2025
11am to 1pm - Pack LOV Boxes
2pm to 4pm - Distribute LOV Boxes
On this day, we will pack and distribute 700 LOV Boxes to Black young women and girls in Chicago.​
Each box included:
LOV Teddy Bear
Vision Board Kits
Black History Month Planner
Hair Care Products and more!
Black Girl Rest - The Ultimate Health and Wellness Experience!
All throughout Black history, slavery and during the great migration, Black people were constantly on the move and still to this day heavily dipped in GRIND culture. We need to STOP and REST." - Ladies of Virtue sis, Mikayah, age 18 #BlackGirlRest
During the month of February, we will host two Black Girl Rest events to close out our LOV DAY month of events!​​

Why do we host LOV DAY?
During the pandemic, we saw how our girls felt depressed and isolated from society. We wanted to do something to show that we love our girls even through the dark times.
We also realized that the feelings our girls felt was not unique to Chicago. Many Black girls across the country feel that their concerns go mostly unaddressed and overlooked. Research confirms what our girls have been telling us all along. Due to stereotypes, a 2017 Georgetown Law Study showed that adults believe black girls ages 5-19 need less nurturing, protection, support and comfort than their peers of the same age. We know that this perception is not reality.
We want Black girls and young women to know that they are seen, heard and loved.
​In celebration of Black History Month and Valentines Day we created our own holiday....
What started off as one day of celebration in 2021, has now expanded to the entire month of February!
On February 8, 2025 from 11am to 1pm, we will kick off our LOV DAY by packing 700 LOV boxes then from 2pm to 4pm we will distribute them the boxes in the Bronzeville neighborhood.
Throughout the month, remaining LOV Boxes will be distributed to girls in the Chicagoland area primarily those living in neighborhoods such as Bronzeville, Englewood, North Lawndale, Near West and Austin neighborhoods.
In addition, we will host 15 confidence building and leadership development workshops to schools across the city reaching over 225 girls through this initiative!​