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Fannie's Fight Program


About the Program

Inspired by the life of Fannie Lou Hamer, this program is designed to empower young women to engage in their democracy and understand the importance of voting.  Through dynamic discussions, mock elections, debates, and in-state or out-of-state traveling experiences, participants will gain the skills to become impactful leaders in their communities.

Application Timeline

Application Deadline: March 17, 2025

Program Details

Session 2 (Saturday, March 22) 10:00am – 2:00pm 

Learn about the life of Fannie Lou Hamer

Lessons in Leadership Discussion and Discover What You're Fighting For

Session 3 (Saturday, March 29) 10:00am – 2:00pm 

Lunch and Flyover Chicago Experience

Session 4 (Friday, April 11)
Travel experience in Springfield

Program Testimonials

"Fannie has inspired me because she spoke out to say what needed to be said. She fought for a good reason. I just feel like her name should be brought up more because I have never heard of her until today"

- Fannie’s Fight Participant

"Fannie has inspired me to fight for more women in STEM fields. I say that because I am interested in engineering. Fannie has inspired me fight for more women that look like me in the field"

- Fannie’s Fight Participant

“Fannie has helped me bring out and find my voice. I have stage fright, and I don’t talk to a lot of people. Her story has helped me figure out my voice and really put out what I want to do”

- Fannie’s Fight Participant

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